If I may toot Penny's horn for a moment, "Penny Possible" has received 24 5-Star Reviews on Amazon. I am grateful for and humbled by the response to Penny's book. Last month, I was able to donate over $1,000 to Warrior Canine Connection based on sales of "Penny Possible."
Here are a few comments from people who have bought the book:
"It's a great book for kids too! After ordering one for me, I ordered one for my great niece!"
"It's a beautiful little book."
"Buying this to have on hand to send to my daughter a couple of weeks after she goes away to college this summer."
If you've already bought a copy or two, thank you! If you'd like to buy a copy, click here. Either way, please tell all your friends, family, neighbors, and coworkers about Penny and her book.
Coming up next...A Million Sticky Kisses, The Story of a Gringa Teacher in Chile.
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